Make it big: Action is the foundational key to all success. Pablo Picasso.
Make it big: Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally. David Frost.
Make it big: Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. Albert Einstein.
Business Tip: The best measure of success is that you should enjoy what you do. That's the ultimate success. This will give you the stamina to persevere.
Business Tip: Look to 'idealise your business'. Think about what your perfect business would look like, and figure out what you need to do to create it.
Business Tip: Focus on your net profit, not your gross profit. This gives you a more realistic view of how the business is doing.
Stokvel Tip: Research shows that investment stokvels are mostly used by males, and grocery stokvel members are mostly used by women.
Stokvel Tip: The perception that stokvels are for 'old women in poor communities' is rapidly changing, as more high-income earners are joining stokvels.
Stokvel Tip: Market research shows that R44 billion is saved collectively across 820 000 stokvels in South Africa, proof of their financial power and influence.
Save Money: If you are choosing a car to buy, go for a reliable and fuel-efficient car. It will save you thousands over the long haul.
Save Money: Instead of just picking up the ordinary brand of an item you buy, try out the store brand or generic version of the item.
Save Money: Do holiday shopping in advance after the holidays. For example, get wrapping paper, cards, bows, and gift bags the day after Christmas.