Make it big: It is always the start that requires the greatest effort. J. C. Penney.
Make it big: I have not failed. I've just found 10 000 ways that won't work. Thomas Edison.
Make it big: If hard work is the key to success, most people would rather pick the lock. Claude McDonald.
Business Tip: Define your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). This makes you better than your competitors: your location, your product, or often it's you.
Business Tip: Unless you have an exclusive monopoly, competition is everything and differentiation is the key to successful selling. Set yourself apart.
Business Tip: Be optimistic. You have to look for the good in every situation and look for the lesson in everything that goes wrong in business.
Stokvel Tip: Consider doing trust-building exercises or team sports to build the trust and create bonds between stokvel members.
Stokvel Tip: If possible, make use of a security safe to store important stokvel documents and possible petty cash for members.
Stokvel Tip: A stokvel should not be considered a viable income source, but rather as an occasional cash inflow. Plan accordingly around it.
Save Money: Remove your credit card numbers from your online accounts. Having to type it in manually each time will act as a deterrent.
Save Money: Keep your hands clean. You'll protect yourself from viruses and bacteria, and end up saving on medical bills and lost productivity.
Save Money: Do a maintenance check on your appliances such as your refrigerator, dryers, cooling units. The cleaner you keep them, the longer they'll last.