Make it big: Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter. Francis Chan.
Make it big: Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it. Dalai Lama XIV.
Make it big: The biggest challenge after success is shutting up about it. Criss Jami.
Business Tip: Choose a business name that's unique, available and relevant.
Business Tip: Research the different types of business ownership models there are available, and which will be best for you, eg. a partnership.
Business Tip: Listen to the advice of experienced business-owners and entrepreneurs.
Stokvel Tip: Stokvels can ease economic burdens by keeping up with inflation, and members' payments can increase to keep pace with the inflation rate.
Stokvel Tip: A reasonable stokvel guideline is that should a member miss more than three months' payment, then they forfeit their end of year pay-out.
Stokvel Tip: Members do not need to sign any documents, but enforcing the rules is one of the most important guidelines.
Save Money: Inflate your tyres. Ensuring that your tyres are always at the recommended level will lower your fuel consumption and save on petrol money.
Save Money: Check out free events in town. Instead of paying for entertainment, find free fun, eg. playing sports, hiking trails, an open art exhibition, etc.
Save Money: If you live in an expensive area, take some time to decide if the extra expense is really worth it.