Chronological Cv Template

(Insert your full name here)
123 Street Name, City/Town, Postal Code
Contact number |
Include a short description of yourself, e.g. “An extremely hard-working and friendly person, who enjoys communicating with others from different cultures and backgrounds.”
Provide a brief description of your abilities and expertise, e.g. “A results-driven professional with excellent personal and communication skills, and a personality that makes me a people person.”
Provide the names of the previous places you worked for, their locations, how long you worked there, your job title, your duties, and any contact details of references.
For example:
Techno Inc. 123 Blank Street, Blank Town
Project Manager June/2015 – June/2017
Developing budgets for projects
Activity and resource planning
Jane Doe, 012 345 6789,
Follow the same structure as the example above.
Workplace name Workplace address
Job Title Month/year – month/year
Position and duties
Position and duties
Workplace reference(s)
Workplace name Workplace address
Job Title Month/year – month/year
Position and duties
Position and duties
Workplace reference(s)
Specify any Degrees or certificates you’ve gained, the name of the university or institution you attended, what course modules you completed, and the duration of the course (month/year to month/year).
For example:
Techno University 123 Blank Street, Blank Town
Bachelor of Computer Science 2013 – 2016
Operating Systems, Graphics, Algorithms
Follow the same structure as the example above.
Tertiary institution name Institution address
Degree/Course title Year(s) of study
Course modules, practicals completed, focus area.
Tertiary institution name Institution address
Degree/Course title Year(s) of study
Course modules, practicals completed, focus area.